Omaha, Nebraska
The City of Omaha’s public parking management structure was fragmented, with responsibilities for their system distributed among several departments. The lack of centralized management inhibited the City’s ability to strategize and execute comprehensive parking policies that benefited the parking system and the City as a whole. Walker prepared a parking management plan for on-street and off-street, performed a parking needs analysis and reviewed the operations and revenue.
Walker recommended the creating of a new Parking Enterprise Fund, along with technology-based meter improvements, strategic planning for parking policies and regulations, and shared parking to meet future demand.
In the past, public parking was subsidized by the General Fund but the Parking Enterprise Fund no longer requires a subsidy from the City. The annual operating revenue increased with the installation of equipment and application of the pricing strategy.
Madison, Wisconsin
Curb Management, Planning, Operations & Technology
Elmont, New York
Curb Management, Planning, Operations & Technology, Parking Design
White Plains, New York
Parking Structure Restoration, Planning, Operations & Technology, Parking Design
Tempe, Arizona
Operations & Technology, Parking Design
San Diego, California
Financial Feasibility, Planning
Greensboro, North Carolina
Restoration Consulting, Operations & Technology
San Francisco, California
Operations & Technology
New Orleans, Louisiana
Operations & Technology
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Operations & Technology
Boston, Massachusetts
Planning, Operations & Technology, Parking Design
Nashville, Tennessee
Operations & Technology, Parking Design
San Francisco, California
Operations & Technology, Parking Design
Gainesville, Florida
Financial Feasibility, Operations & Technology
Santa Monica, California
Financial Feasibility, Planning, Operations & Technology
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Financial Feasibility, Operations & Technology
Bloomington, Indiana
Financial Feasibility, Operations & Technology
Long Island, New York
Financial Feasibility, Operations & Technology
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Financial Feasibility, Operations & Technology
Aurora, Colorado
Financial Feasibility, Planning, Operations & Technology