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Property Condition Assessments

A Property Condition Assessment (PCA) helps the current or future owner to understand the facility and provides them with a roadmap for potential repairs to extend the service life of the facility.

Aimed at building owners, developers, and investors who wish to gain an understanding of a facility’s condition prior to a potential real estate or financial transaction, the PCA outlines the overall condition of the facility, including the identification and prioritization of repairs, as well as the property’s general compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Sepehr Saboree, PE

National Director of Property Condition Assessments

Property Condition Assessments

Our consultants evaluate the site conditions and in-place building systems, including the roof, and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems. Our report identifies any immediate or near-term remediation required and provides a range of probable repair costs. We note obvious physical deficiencies that may impede use by individuals with disabilities. We also project the cost of maintaining the property over time with a given reserve schedule. Many of our consultants are registered architects or licensed engineering professionals in structural, civil, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing disciplines with licenses varying by state.​​

Accessibility Consulting

At Walker, we care about promoting a barrier-free environment for individuals with disabilities. Accessibility is important to us, not only because it helps disabled individuals, but it enables a property to thrive from more potential business. We have evaluated multifamily housing, commercial development, schools, medical facilities, and outdoor recreation facilities. We provide the client with a reliable and knowledgeable team who specialize in accessibility surveys and construction observations. Accessibility consulting services include:

  • Conducting assessments of existing facilities to determine compliance with accessibility standards
  • Peer review of architectural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and civil drawings to identify accessibility issues before construction
  • Consulting during construction with designers and contractors in regards to ADAFHAA/UFAS compliance
  • Conducting presentations on accessibility requirements and recommendations for the designated type of project
  • Periodic inspections during construction to determine compliance with the project documents and ADA/FHAA/UFAS requirements

Walker’s accessibility consultants help our clients navigate intricate accessibility requirements, directing them to the survey format most suitable for their needs. The criteria for an accessibility survey vary by facility. Multifamily housing, projects, typically the most involved, include utilization of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. Enhanced accessibility assessments can be performed pre-construction, during construction, and for existing structures for all facility types.

During the pre-construction phase, Walker’s services include a review of the construction documents to identify potential barriers or overlooked design considerations. The reviewed drawings are returned to the client with corrections. Review during this phase of construction is highly recommended to mitigate the potential for a costly redesign. During the construction phase, Walker’s services are two-fold: on-site construction monitoring and delivering presentations on accessibility requirements and recommendations. On-site construction monitoring is often performed at critical junctures before installing fixtures, hardware, or finish materials for the facility interiors. On-site construction for the facility exteriors, path-of-travel widths, slopes, and cross-slopes, as well as curb cut and ramp slopes, are verified for compliance against the drawings or any design considerations recommended by Walker. The second half of Walker’s accessibility services during the construction phase includes presenting accessibility requirements to the client or contractor to become familiar with accessibility requirements specific to the project and for Walker’s consultants to answer field questions from the client or contractor. Walker’s review services for existing facilities include parking decks, facility entrances/exits, ramps, stairs, elevators, hardware, restrooms, public spaces, amenities such as pools or pet parks, signage compliance, and the path of travel throughout a property.

Our consultants are ready to provide insight and expertise to our clients and property owners to provide accessibility for all.

Building Envelope

Walker’s team of building enclosure specialists, architects, and engineers provides comprehensive solutions focused on addressing concerns related to below-grade waterproofing, exterior facades, and roof systems. From existing to new construction, renovations, restorations, construction monitoring, or preparing construction documents for enclosure repairs, our experienced team is ready to assist with successful project delivery. Find out more at:

Building Envelope for Existing Structures

Building Envelope for New Construction

Building Structure

Walker’s experienced structural engineers focus exclusively on the building’s framework, foundations, forces, and stresses. Staffed with licensed structural and civil engineers, our in-house group takes a holistic approach to solving problems through all phases of analysis and design, with a keen understanding of our client’s economic, upgrade, or repair concerns. For additional information: Structural Engineering

MEP Condition Assessment

Walker’s experience with MEP systems design and extensive field experience assessing all types of systems allows us to pinpoint potential issues and provide deeper insight into the condition of building systems. Whether it’s performing the assessment of lighting levels, investigating high humidity issues, or evaluating a building’s energy consumption, Walker’s engineers are available to provide exceptional service to meet a client’s needs. The service includes but is not limited to the following:

  • MEP Design and Construction Administration (CA)
  • MEP Construction Observations
  • MEP Forensics
  • ASHRAE Level I, II, & III Energy Audits
  • International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) Compliance Reports
  • Architectural and MEP Commissioning (Cx) and Retro-Commissioning (RCx)
  • LEED Consulting
  • MEP Equipment Life Cycle Cost Analysis
  • Indoor Air Quality Testing and Assessments
  • HVAC Consulting
  • Mechanical Equipment Condition Assessment
  • Building Energy Performance Assessment
  • Vertical Transportation Evaluation and Consulting
  • Fire/Life Safety System Evaluation and Consulting
  • Plumbing System Evaluation and Consulting
  • Ultrasonic Pipe Thickness Testing

Owner’s Representative

As the Owner’s representative, Walker serves as a liaison to safeguard the Owner’s investment and aid through all phases of project development. Whether acting as an additional pair of eyes on a peer review of construction contract documents or conducting periodic site visits to observe construction progress as it relates to submitted Applications for Payment, our knowledgeable staff is ready to step in to assist the Client throughout this challenging process.

Walker’s staff provides the acumen, program, and pre-design support needed from design through construction and project closeout. Our national presence and experienced staff act as trusted advisors to the owner to help protect the owner’s interests. Serving as the client’s central point of contact, our capable staff of professionals offers the following advantages to the owner:

  • Breadth of knowledge for all phases of construction management
  • Review of project documentation for compliance with specifications, industry standards, and regulations
  • Identification of cost-saving opportunities.
  • Monitoring the project budget throughout construction to mitigate cost overruns and delays
  • Reporting on project schedule and progress and tracking completion of milestones
  • Payment application processing

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