Cleveland, Ohio
Downtown Cleveland is home to the 575,000-square foot AECOM Centre and attached 632-space parking structure. Rugby Realty purchased the property and began a multi-million-dollar renovation of the building and parking facilities.
Walker was retained to obtain competitive proposals to manage the parking facility and to replace the existing, outdated technology with a state-of-the art parking access control and revenue system (PARCS). Walker conducted these efforts simultaneously, obtaining competitive proposals from multiple operators and equipment vendors based on specifications and requirements provided by the owner. Walker evaluated the proposals and interviewed a shortlist of finalists.
With Walker’s guidance, the owner selected a new parking operator and equipment vendor that offered several innovative solutions and a vision for increasing customer loyalty and providing better customer service. Walker also provided on-going assistance after the selection, including transition, installation, testing, and contract reviews.
The new state-of-the-art parking control system includes:
Madison, Wisconsin
Curb Management, Planning, Operations & Technology
Elmont, New York
Curb Management, Planning, Operations & Technology, Parking Design
White Plains, New York
Parking Structure Restoration, Planning, Operations & Technology, Parking Design
Tempe, Arizona
Operations & Technology, Parking Design
Greensboro, North Carolina
Restoration Consulting, Operations & Technology
San Francisco, California
Operations & Technology
New Orleans, Louisiana
Operations & Technology
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Operations & Technology
Boston, Massachusetts
Planning, Operations & Technology, Parking Design
Nashville, Tennessee
Operations & Technology, Parking Design
San Francisco, California
Operations & Technology, Parking Design
Gainesville, Florida
Financial Feasibility, Operations & Technology
Santa Monica, California
Financial Feasibility, Planning, Operations & Technology
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Financial Feasibility, Operations & Technology
Bloomington, Indiana
Financial Feasibility, Operations & Technology
Long Island, New York
Financial Feasibility, Operations & Technology
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Financial Feasibility, Operations & Technology
Aurora, Colorado
Financial Feasibility, Planning, Operations & Technology