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Jonathan Wicks presented “University Campus Parking Master Planning: Getting to Yes” at PMX Live 2020.  Wicks co-presented with Casey Jones (of Desman Parking) and conducted a role play for “Parking University”, featuring a lively cast of characters at a fictional (but very realistic) university.  Wicks and Jones play the role of parking consultants, with two Walker colleagues playing the roles of concerned faculty (Kevin White) and Chief of Campus Police (David Lieb).  Also participating were colleagues from Chip Chism of University of West Florida, Michael Kasitz of Austin Peay State University and Michael Sokoff at Missouri.

The session is available on demand here to all PMX live 2020 attendees.


Jonathan is currently working on the design and implementation of several mobility systems and technology improvements for public and private entities across the West Coast. Staying ahead of transportation shifts, Jonathan is successfully navigating the balance of parking demand with curb management and access issues.