Sepehr is our National Director of Property Condition Assessments and an expert in the evaluation, testing, and repair design of a variety of structural, architectural, and material distress-related projects. His experience includes; nondestructive testing of concrete structures, computer modeling and analysis of steel and masonry structures; design of repairs for steel structures; building envelope assessments and investigation; and restoration of parking structures. Sepehr has over 10 years of experience in assessing and repairing a variety of structural systems, including conventional and post-tensioned reinforced concrete, wood, steel, and masonry frames.
Sepehr has expertise in performing Property Condition Assessments (PCAs), working directly with lenders, developers, commercial real estate investors, and building owners to assess a subject property before a potential real estate or financial transaction. The assessments evaluate the general condition of the facility and various site and building systems. Subsequently, Sepehr has helped Building owners to develop budgets to address identified issues and assist with the design repairs and restoration.
Master of Science, Civil Engineering, Kennesaw State University (formally known as Southern Polytechnic State University)
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, Kennesaw State University (formally known as Southern Polytechnic State University)
- American Concrete Institute (ACI)
- Internation Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI)
- American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
- Structural Engineers Association of Georgia (SEAOG)