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Motor Mart Parking Garage Restoration


Boston, Massachusetts

The Motor Mart Garage was built in 1927 to provide retail space for the sale, service and storage of automobiles in the Boston area. This unique five-sided structure features the finer characteristics of a building for which it had once received an architectural award. Today it serves to provide 24-hour parking for 897 vehicles and ground level space for high-end retail businesses.

Walker’s condition evaluation revealed extensive chloride contamination and moisture problems that were causing progressive deterioration. Extensive deterioration of the floor slabs caused by corrosion of steel reinforcement had progressed to the concrete rib joists, beams and girders. Floor pondage was prevalent throughout with existing floor drainage determined inadequate for current service requirements. Existing waterproofing was minimal and ineffective.

A comprehensive restoration program was recommended to extend the useful life cycle of the facility. Walker used the information gathered from the evaluation and recommended several repair options from spot patching and traffic bearing membrane protection to full depth slab removal and replacement. The floor drainage was increased by the installation of a complete new floor drain system on each of the parking levels. Installing a comprehensive waterproofing system of flexible joint sealant and traffic bearing membrane to the floors ultimately protected the investment made in these repairs.

Art Stadig, PE

Senior Vice President/Managing Principal