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Nationwide Children’s Hospital Livingston Ambulatory Center Yellow Garage


Columbus, Ohio

Related Services Parking Design

Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH) is a nationally ranked pediatric acute care teaching hospital. The Livingston Ambulatory Center is a six-story building accommodating outpatient services for children in eight ambulatory departments. NCH engaged Walker to provide the prime design of an 881-space, 9-level cast-in-place post-tensioned concrete parking structure to support the Center’s patients and staff. Walker’s services included prime design, functional design and structural engineer of record.

NCH Yellow Garage exterior 2

The garage design includes above grade parking on seven levels with two levels below grade; separate parking for staff and visitors; a service dock area adjacent to the garage; and multiple pedestrian connections to the building, including tunnel connections at each end of the garage.

NCH Yellow Garage service dock

Todd Lohman, PE

Senior Vice President and Managing Director