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Kevin White’s feature, “It’s Time to Take the Next Step in Your Asset Light Journey” appears on page 44 of Parking Today’s October issue.  The article explores new mobile payment platforms’ growth, benefits of lighter assets for parking operations and best ways to implement.

Congratulations to Kevin and thanks to Parking Today for featuring the article.

Kevin is a Parking and Mobility Consultant in Walker’s Minneapolis office.  Kevin specializes in parking and mobility planning, curbside management, and transportation demand management, with a focus on efficiency, user behavior, and integration of all modes of transportation. In addition to his experience in parking and demand management, Kevin has a background in community development and pedestrian and bicycle planning. Kevin is passionate about solving site circulation, access, and parking challenges in cities and on campuses by integrating a blend of infrastructure, program, and policy strategies.

Kevin strives to create planning process that are meaningful and informative, with a focus on stakeholder transparency, and the use of data and visualizations to communicate, generate ideas, and gain consensus.