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Why and How Owners Should Issue Regular RFPs for Parking Operations Services


While a parking management/owner may be tempted to resign an agreement with their parking operator, it may be in their best interest to “check back in” with the marketplace to reassess issues such as financial results, service, facility performance, image, and safety.

Using a Request For Proposal (RFP) may be the best method for qualified operators to present their abilities and for owners to make sound decisions in the management of their facilities.

Using a third-party parking consultant to help steward the RFP process, may be of benefit to the owner as well.

Walker’s Will Rhodin explains the benefits of issuing RFP’s and using a third-party parking consultant to help with this process.  Click here to read more.


Will Rhodin is a Parking Consultant out of our Philadelphia office and can be reached at


As published in the February 2019 issue of Parking Professional.